Sunday, 2 September 2012

Fan Construction Part II

So as requested more detail on the feather fans I'm constructing, mostly just 'cause.

I needed bolts, washers and nuts, so a trip to the green shed was in order!

Huzzah for Bunnings!
So after a succesful trip to Bunnings (and quizzical looks form passersby as I sat on the floor inserting bolts into a stave I'd taken with me to see if they would fit) I came home and set myself up on my craft table (also known as a dining table... occaisionally).

Bits and bobs!
Firstly I bolted the prepared staves together, bolt, washer, stave, washer, stave, washer, etc.  Then I discovered this: 
Oh no!  The bolt!  She is too long!
Now the nut is a 'nylock' [insert dodgy power rangers reference here]  which means it will only screw down so far as it has a little bit of nylon in the thread to lock it off.
Still it didn't stop me taking photos;

Zoom out view (that's a six seater table BTW)
This is how far they'll eventually open, each fan will open 180 degrees, I haven't yet measured their width but they're fairly expansive.

Fabric for my costume, good match to my feathers!
I found this amazing sequin fabric in Cleggs on Elizabeth Street while I was in Melbourne last weekend.  It's a perfect match for the colour of the feathers!  And really sparkly to boot!

Then I started on the other fan, with the funnest part of all!  Peeling paper off the perspex staves...

Preparing staves for the other fan.
Next step, make fan 2! I sat at the table watching 'A Town called Eureka' and wired another 24 ostrich plumes to another 12 staves. Pliers, bits of wire and feather went everywhere, I tidied up before any evidence of the mess could be photographed! this however didn't stop little Miss Em getting fetaher on her nose.

After completing the next 12 staves I couldn't help myself, even with the too long bolts I had to bolt them together and flounce around the house with them!  Very glamourously in my polar fleece jacket and dirty dog slobber jeans...

So not finished but I couldn't wait...
 Voila! Left and right handed ostrich feather fans, still not finished but once I have bolts and beading nylon they will be!

A pair of fans (still not finished) but left and right handed!