Dear Mondayitis,
Yes I’m addressing it like that,
during my time as production manager I came to think of Mondayitis as its own
little community; performers, photographers, sponsors and supporters, kittens,
stage managers, techs, raffle girls, door bitches and of course our wonderful
audience. You are all Mondayitis to me, even on the days when I was tressed out
of my mind and panicked, we built it for you; and in the end with you because
without you all there would have been nothing to build.

To the performers, to each and
every one of you who got up on that stage from our days at Kremlin and after
the move to The Abbey; Thank you! To the
experienced and professional performers who donated their time and talents for
a fantastic cause; thankyou. I value
your art and that you saw fit to donate it to us is a magnificent gift. Seeing you perform is always inspiring,
sometimes challenging and it was always wonderful to work with you.
To all the performing virgins;
you rocked! I sat with you backstage while you fretted and worried, I bought
you Dutch courage when you asked and watched you take to that stage and perform
your hearts out. That takes guts, that
first step seems like forever and so many of you came back, watching you grow
as performers gave me immeasurable satisfaction. Keep coming back, we made this space for you;
use it!
To the snap happy chappies (and
the odd chicky) who documented our shows and brought our poster ideas to life;
thankyou. Your images are sexy, sensual,
hilarious, grotesque, detailed, bizarre and magical! Working with you was eye opening, you see the
world differently, things jump out to you that I would walk right past. Your capacity for seeing and capturing beauty
in everyone and everything around you is magnificent.
To our key sponsors: The Abbey
and Elite Sound and Lighting. Thank you!
The use of your venue and equipment has allowed Mondayitis to become
what is has. From I tiny (and VERY
crowded) little club night we have become an amateur showcase with full light
and sound. We have had a ball and I hope
Mondayitis continues with you!
To our raffle sponsors; Guerrilla
Hair, Oya Yoga, Le Vintage Culture, Rockabilly Floral Lane, CaptaVitae
Photography, Make Up by Shalini, Curiouser and Curiouser candles and anyone I
have forgotten (hopefully no-one), Thank you!
Raffles made up such a key part of our donation prospects and they just
keep getting better! I’m glad that now I
can enter the raffles without a conflict of interest!
To all our MCs, many kittens (and
Tom Cats): Again thank you! You flitted,
stomped and sashayed across our stage in many different guises in costumes and
character and kept the show ticking over, you surprised and delighted, titillated
and terrified. The time and thought you
put into our shows, the material and patter you presented was brilliant, you
tied the shows together and helped keep me sane!
To our stage managers; Thank you,
the nights I took to the stage and my head was anywhere but on the show you kept
it rolling along, wrangled the performers and resolved technical difficulties
before I even had a chance to think about it. You know who you are and you were
To the techs without you, we
would just be a bunch of extroverts faffing about silently in the dark! You kept the lights on and the music pumping! You brought an extra measure of colour to our
shows, as particularly special mention to our very first tech the mad Dr Daz you
stepped in and helped me light our second show so our performers could actually
be seen! A special shout out to Simon
the Ninja too, if you didn’t see him that cause he knows how to do his job.
To the gals, guys and queens who
manned the door and sold the raffles; thank you. You stood at the door, before anyone arrived
looking fabulous, in theme and you were there until the show finished answering
questions, selling tickets and guarding our raffle prizes. Those raffles became
a massive part of what we could donate to DVCS after each show. You sold the hell out those tickets! Even to the point where we had to make up
dodgy tickets to some of the raffles!

Mondayits will continue without me and that is how it should be! We built this little community and for the present it is in the hands of Ms Chocolate e Claire who is now taking on the dual mantle of producer/director. This is a big task! If you are inclide to help out I'm sure she would welcome your assitance.
I look forward to seeing what direction it takes and where it goes from here!
Love and Sparkles,
What a powerhouse effort you made. You are an asset to the community! And a hell of a performer and manager. Good luck with your next pursuit.